315. In addition to what is required by section 46.0.3 of the Act, the characterization study required by that section must include(1) a georeferenced map showing the environments affected and the site of the activity concerned, including a scale drawing showing the location of the hydrographic network of the watershed concerned;
(2) the area of the environments affected;
(3) the relevant elements in a water master plan, integrated management plan for the St. Lawrence, regional wetlands and bodies of water plan, metropolitan development plan, land use and development plan, interim control by-law or municipal by-law, if any;
(4) the direction of water flow;
(5) the land inventory sheets and the location, on a map, of the places where inventories have been conducted;
(6) for a peat extraction project:(a) a characterization of water quality in the peat bog for the year preceding the application and in the planned discharge points;
(b) a program to sample the water discharged at the outlet of the sedimentation ponds and in the receiving watercourses during the extraction period;
(c) a monitoring program for particle emissions.